Open Circle

Responsive Website Design

A big website for a small studio to change the world one family at a time

Open Circle is a wellness center for expecting and expanding families in Providence, Rhode Island. They offer everything from fitness classes, educational workshops, massage therapy, doula services and support groups. Unlike most small studios their offerings required a large site. The business uses MindBody, so the the site needed to be integrated with MindBody Branded Web Tools. Kaeli, the studio owner, wanted the website to really showcase the feeling of support, inclusivity and openness that her studio embodies without it feeling too ungrounded and new age-y. Luckily, she had access to her own stunning nature photography as well as her business partner and many other local area birth and family photographers.

The site was built off of the Divi theme, integrating custom CSS, most of which was in the MindBody Branded Web Tool styling. A standard SEO setup was implemented, allowing for her to be on the first page, if not the first half of the first page, for her keywords in her geographical area.

Website specifics:

  • MindBody Branded Web Tools custom styling
  • SEO for local market
  • Created custom child theme based on Divi
  • Create several custom library options for client to create content later
  • Integrate multiple testimonials and local photographers

MindBody Branded web tools integration

Open Circle uses MindBody to help run their business, so it only made sense to integrate it into the website. We utilized multiple types of widgets, all requiring custom styling. Neither Kaeli, the business owner, or I wanted them to be integrated int eh site, not look like add-ons as they often do. This required lots of custom styling.

Website pages

Home page design – Integrated a slider showcasing all the studio offerings and customized text for SEO.

Sample third level page – Integrated and custom styled MindBody Branded Web Tools widgets and customized text for SEO.

Sample internal page – showcasing offerings of one area of the studio.

Sample third level page – Integrated and custom styled MindBody Branded Web Tools widgets and customized text for SEO.